Spellbook Red Order

20 entries found.

Rank 3

Requires Fire Wall.

A variant on the First Circle Fire Wall spell. The Brushfire is an extended line of flame that will sweep through grasslands, undergrowth or other flammable foliage under the Mage's direction. When cast the Mage gestures at a spot up to 10+Level Legats away, causing a wall of flame to spring up and then spread out to a length of 2xLevel in Legats. Each subsequent round the Brushfire spreads one Legat further on each end, and moves away from the Mage at a Move equal to the Mage's Level on Initiative 5. Anyone caught by the Brushfire takes 2D4 fire damage. The Mage may concentrate to alter the direction of the burn (using his action), but the wall cannot turn back over already burnt land, and will be stopped if it reaches an area where there is no fuel. The Brushfire burns for a number of rounds equal to the Mage's Level, though it may be extended by paying 1 Fatigue each round after this.

Multiple Magi can combine their Brushfires into one spell, creating a single line that joins end to end. A combined Brushfire gains +1 Move, +1 Damage and +1 Initiative for each additional wall, as well as the bonus of length, and has free duration equal to the best wall involved. If any Magi involved ceases to Extend their segment the Brushfire breaks up into multiple parts.
power+1 free rounds of duration per 2 Power Levels
Calling on the Sun
The Red Cloak throws a pinch of red rock onto an open fire an then gazes into the flames, calling on the Spirits of the Sun to appear in the flames and provide visions of the future. The Mage takes 1 Lethal damage, this is a payment to cause the Spirits to appear. Shapes appear while he concentrates on a single question. The GM rolls a D20. If the result is less than the Mage's Level + 4 then the Mage sees a truthful vision related to the question, otherwise he sees a false one. There is no way for the Mage to know which they have seen.
powerThe Red Cloak can ask 1 question more for each extra Power Level.
Crimson Eye Focus
KeywordsAugment, Chald
This spell is unique to the Crimson Slayers of Chald. By invoking the Crimson Eye Focus the Slayer allows the magic to boost his body. For the 10 minute duration of the spell the Mage gains +5 Physical +5 Agility and +5 Observation. To make the invocation the Slayer touches the thumbs and forefingers of each hand together in a triangle before their face, looking through the gap between them.
power+5 minutes duration per Power Level.
Dust Cloak
This spell is cast on the Red Cloak’s robe. The cloak takes on the hue, pattern, feel, and shape of the red soils and rocks of Sun-Keld, allowing the Mage a +5 stealth while out in the open. Even in the Twilight lands or in a city he gains +1. The cloak will work when carried by another, but the spell is still maintained by the Mage.
Explosive Arrow
KeywordsCreation, Chald
Requires Flame Arrow.

This crafting spell is a secret of the Mages of Chald, and expands on the Flame Arrow spell to create enchanted projectiles. A Mage of at least Level 8 can permanently enchant an arrow so that, when it hits, it explodes in a ball of flame that inflicts 2D8 fire damage on anything within 2 strides of the point of impact. Such an arrow costs Wealth 10’s worth of materials to make, and can only be shot from a Bow of Blood. Enchanting a Flame Arrow in this manner requires the Mage to cast the spell once on each of three successive days.
power+1 damage per 4 Power Levels, can only be used once
Fire Maze
Requires Fire wall.

A greatly enhanced version of the First Circle Fire Wall spell. The Fire Maze fills an area of 30 cubic Legats with intense magical fire, which deals 2D6+8 damage to anything that passes through it. The Mage gestures where the wall is to appear, and it will then burn for 10 minutes.

Unlike the lesser spell the Fire Maze has a variable geometry. It can be arranged in any shape so long as no part is less than 1/2 Legat in any dimension, and no more than 4 Legats of unsupported height (so for example a low wall 1/2 a Legat high, 1/2 a Legat deep and 120 Legats long is possible). No part of the wall may be more than 15+Level Legats from the Mage when he casts the spell. At least some part of the wall must be supported on a horizontal surface, but this can as easily be stone or water as something flammable. A roll To-Hit (using the Ranged / Special (magic) skill) at -4A is needed to conjure the wall such that it hits someone as it appears.

The Mage can easily shape the wall with multiple branches and turns so as to entrap someone within it, but the wall cannot entirely enclose someone. A person so trapped must win a contested Int roll against the Mage to escape. The number of rounds they are trapped equals the number of rolls needed to succeed.
power+1 minute duration per 2 Power Levels
Fire Sphere
To cast this spell the Mage must first prepare an enchanted sphere of red copper on which mystical designs are etched. This sphere is value 8 and has a Crafting (Mining / Smithing) Difficulty of 14. As part of the crafting process the Mage must cast the spell 3 times on 3 consecutive days, using 11 Fatigue and -10 Difficulty for each casting.

To activate the sphere the Mage casts it into an open fire (use Ranged / Thrown skill against a Defence of 10 - Size as given below), and makes a quick Channelling roll. If the throw and the casting are successful all the flame instantly rises up into a ball of fire which then explodes, doing D10+X damage where X depends on the size of the fire, 3 for a cook fire, 6 for a campfire, 9 for a large grate and 12 for a bonfire, to all in a 7 Legats radius. Each target may roll Agility resisted by 13 to take only 1/2 damage. After the explosion there is a chance equal to 7 or less on a D20 that the sphere is damaged and cannot be used to cast the spell again.
power+2 damage per Power Level
+1 chance of sphere being intact per Power Level
KeywordsAttack, Area, Ranged
With this attack the Red Order Mage can unleash a torrent of energy from the Sun against a nominated point, striking everything nearby with magical fire. When the Mage begins the casting of the spell he nominates a point within 20 x Level Legats. On the round that the spell is cast a fiery glow coruscates about the Mage as the energy charges. The following round the spell strikes at the nominated point in a huge cylinder of fire, blasting anything within 10 Legats of the striking point for 2D8 fire damage (ignoring half of Physical Armour). Anyone in the target area may attempt to leap out of the way by making an Agility + Movement / Acrobatics roll resisted by an 18. On a successful roll they take only half damage. The Mage may extend the spell, continuing to strike the same area, by taking 1 Lethal damage each round.

Although Flamestrike may be cast from a Matrix the flood of power will instantly wipe the spell from the Matrix when cast.
power+1 Legat range per Power Level
+1 Legat radius per 2 Power Levels
KeywordsCreation, Subtle
This spell allows the Mage to create a trap, by inscribing a mystical design on a solid surface and storing energy channelled from the Sun in it's curves and angles. The inscription requires precious oils worth 6, and takes 1 hour (reduce time by the margin of success on an Agility + Art roll). From then on, the first creature to either touch or pass within 1 Legat of the trap (The Red Cloak chooses which activating condition applies when the trap is made) triggers a magical explosion of flame 6 strides across, which does 2D4 fire to everything in the area (armour counts for half, Agility vs. 17 for half damage). Once inscribed the trap lasts as long as the surface on which it was written.
power+1 damage per Power Level
+1 Legat triggering range per Power Level.
Greater Binding (Red)
Requires Lesser Binding (Red).

This spell transforms the Red Order Lesser Binding into a Greater Binding, marking the target as a trusted scion of the Orders. This spell elevates the target into the ranks of the Bonded Ones, marking them as a proxy of the Magi. The target must make a Spirit roll resisted by the Mage's Spirit if he wishes to resist the binding. If he does so then the lesser binding is also broken.

If the Binding is completed the target is empowered by an aura of status, perceptible even to non-Magi as a feeling of weight or majesty. A Mage can see this link even without a means of magical sight. If the character does not already have the Bonded-One path they gain it for free. Otherwise they gain +1 Status. The Binding prevents the Bonded-One from attacking their Master. They must succeed in a contested Spirit vs. Presence roll to attack their Master, in which the Master gains a Presence bonus equal to their Level. Although they can initiate indirect harm to their master (e.g. by asking others to do so) they will still feel a compulsion not to do so, and must spend a Determination to initiate any plot against their Master.

The Mage also gains a benefit from the Binding. In Physical Combat they may avoid taking Lethal, Stun or Weakening Damage by transferring the damage to the Bonded One instead. The Bonded One must have at least as much Health as the Mage wishes to transfer, and must be near to the Mage (either visible in direct line of sight, or out of sight but within 30 paces). The Mage may transfer up to their Level in damage in one round. If they have multiple Bonded Ones they may split the damage between them.

The casting Mage reduces their Health by one when the spell is cast. This loss cannot be avoided.
Greater Command

Requires Lesser Command

This spell gives the Red Cloak control over natural and magical flames. With an action (and a gesture) they can make any of the following alterations to an existing fire no larger than a bonfire and up to 5+Level Legats distant.

  • Extinguish the fire
  • Alter the vigour of the fire (making it burn low or surge high)
  • Alter the colour and character of the fire (hissing, sparking, steady, flickering, etc.)
  • Cause the fire to move or spread up to 2 Legats across a flammable surface
  • Cause the fire to jump a gap of up to 1 Legat to a flammable surface
  • Cause the fire to move or spread up to 1 Legat across an inflammable surface

In addition they can cause the air around the fire to fill with burning sparks and smoke (Area 3, D6 damage ignoring armour, -3A) or clear a similar area.

If the Mage wishes to extinguish fires larger than a bonfire then she may extinguish selected bonfire sized bits of it one at a time. Each section requires an action and a roll of Int + Sorcery vs. 15.

The powers conferred by the spell are usable at will for 1 minute per Level, extending for 2 Fatigue for each extra minute. To cast this spell the Red Cloak must bear an iron weapon from the Dragon Mountains.

power+D6 minutes duration per Power Level
+1 Int for extinguishing bits of blazes per Power Level
Halo of Fire
KeywordsAugment, Defend
This spell conjures about the head of its target, whom the Mage must touch, a ring of small glowing balls of fire, of a number equal to the level of the Casting Mage. These spheres remain in existence for up to 30 minutes. Any further casting of the spell on a target removes the old spell and replaces it with the new one. In combat the subject of the spell may expend a sphere to attempt to nullify any blow that would otherwise hit them. They must do this before determining damage for the hit. Roll a D20. On a roll of 10 or less the damage is nullified entirely. An area of effect attack (something that engulfs the target) is nullified on a 5 or less.

Only one sphere can be expended per blow, but the subject may block any number of blows in a single combat turn as long as he is aware of the attack being made upon him. A spell cast by an unseen Mage or a sudden stab in the back alike cannot be deflected with this spell.
power+1 chance of deflection per +2 Power Levels
This spell can be used to hold another spell so that it can be instantly released at a moments notice. Using holding a Mage may delay a single 1EL spell indefinably. Only one spell may ever be held at a time no matter how many times Holding is cast. The Mage must cast this and then the spell to be held. If the second spell fails then the Holding is also wasted. Holding is Subtle if the spell to be held is Subtle.
Life Flame
Requires Flame of Deadly Healing

This spell allows the Mage to channel his own life-force into another, with the intention of healing his wounds. Unfortunately the magic achieves this by draining the Mage’s own Health. The Mage must touch the subject, who is briefly outlined in flame. The spell then restores D6 Health to the target while doing D6 damage to the Mage. No device nor spell will prevent this loss of life. This spell is not taught by all schools of Mages but is instead held only in the hands of the most significant locations of the orders, such as the Great Cities and the principal towns.
powerEach Power Level adds +1 to the amount of Health healed. For each extra point added in this way roll a D6. On a roll of a 6 the Mage takes a further D6 damage, in addition to the one caused by the spell.
Speaking to the Sun
Using this spell a Red Cloak can, standing beside a fire, send his mind through it, so that his words are heard in the mind of a distant person, usually another Mage. The range of the spell is 50 klegs, and its duration 5 minutes. The casting Mage must know the Mage they are attempting to contact. If the person contacted is Bound to the casting Mage then the spell gains +5 Power for free.
power+50 klegs or +5 minutes per Power Level
Spirit from the Sun
With careful preparation the Red Cloak prepares a sacrifice of blood, either his own or another’s, equaling 5 points of Health. When the blood is spilled on the red soil the Red Cloak can summon a Demon creature from the sun to do his will.

The creature is a half visible pillar of dust and fire that falls upon its targets with a maddening shriek. Each turn the Red Cloak must roll Int and lose 1 more fatigue to keep the creature in existence, otherwise it vanishes. The creature takes D4 extra damage from any Shadow attack.
power+1 damage per Power Level.
+1 Int to control per Power Level.
+3 Power Levels allows the Spirit to be summoned in the Darklands.
At Def Ag Int Phys Pre Spi H S W Ar MD Mv Fer Quick
May attack twice a round.
Storm Dust
KeywordsAttack, Creation
With this magic the Red Cloak may enchant a handful of Drylands dust so that it absorbs the fierce winds of the Light Side. The spell must be cast three times on three consecutive days.

When this dust is cast to the ground a Duststorm springs into life. The storm inflicts 2D4 damage per round to anyone caught within it (a Survival / Drylands or Deadlands roll halving the damage) and gives -5A. The spell’s storm only covers a 20 stride radius area and lasts for only 5 minutes. It is possible to enchant more than one handful at once, but each additional handful reduces the Mage's Spirit by 1 as long as it exists.
power+20 strides radius or +5 minutes duration per Power Level.
KeywordsAttack, Aimed, Ranged
With a flick of the wrist and a shriek of superheated air the Mage unleashes a bolt of brilliant fire at a target. The Sunbolt requires a normal attack roll (using Ranged / Special (Magic) skill) to hit, has a base range of 12+Level, and inflicts 2D6 fire damage on a successful hit, igniting anything flammable that it strikes. Unlike most aimed attacks the Sunbolt is not blocked by intervening targets, it will simply go around them. It similarly ignores cover modifiers to the Mage's attack roll.
power+1 damage per Power Level
This spell can be used to hold another spell in waiting at a specific place or upon a specific object, to be released when some condition is met. The object or place protected must be engraved or carved with a complex rune, a process requiring at least a day of work and an appropriate Craft roll. Alternatively a quicker rune may be drawn in ink or wax but the difficulty increases to -12 in this case. Once the Waiting spell is cast the second spell may be cast into it as normal. Should the second spell fail then the Waiting spell too is broken, though the rune may be reused.

Unlike Holding, Waiting may define complex conditions, involving anything physical that happens within the protected area. The Waiting spell acts with the same level of knowledge as the Mage who casts it, as if someone with the Mage's senses and memory were standing at the location. It can be set to trigger on the appearance or action of anyone that they Mage would know or recognise, but not anyone they could not (for example it cannot be set to trigger on the arrival of someone the Mage knows only by name). It cannot be triggered by anything that happens outside the warded area, nor by anything which requires reasoning or judgement about what it sees (so it can be triggered by the arrival of a Keldian, but not by the Keldian speaking a lie, since that requires a judgement about the Keldian's actions).

The maximum Energy Level of spell the Waiting may hold is 1, and the maximum area protected is 5 by 5 strides.
power+1 EL of spell can be held per +4 Power Levels
+1 stride area per Power Level
Warrior's Strength
KeywordsAugment, Link, Subtle
Using this spell a Mage may draw on the power of a warrior that has been Bonded to them. When the spell is cast the Mage may draw Health from the Bonded One, up to twice their level. The Bonded One takes one half this amount as damage while the Mage may add this amount to her current Health, even if this makes it exceed its normal maximum. This extra Health will remain for up to 10 minutes, allowing the Mage to fight in the thick of battle without dying. After the spell expires the Mage loses Health equal to the amount gained, which might kill the Mage if they are not healed first.
power+2 minutes duration or +1 Strength gained per Power Level